When a factory needs to be up to industry standards to comply with health & safety, they call Industrial Cleaning Specialists. Take a look at how we helped this multinational food company.
Recently Industrial Cleaning Specialists was asked to submit an assessment to a multinational food company who needed the factory of their NZ subsidiary bought up to the latest hygiene standards. The main areas of concern were the ceiling cavity, exterior courtyards and the outside windows of the administration block. The biggest issue was the ceiling cavities above the food processing areas. The company’s personnel had discovered that straw had been used as insulation and some very old pieces of equipment from previous tenants had been left scattered throughout the cavity.
After inspecting the job sites in conjunction with client’s engineers, a report was prepared covering cleaning the cavities, courtyards and exterior windows. The report and action plan was accepted by the client and work on the ceiling commenced immediately.
Access to the ceilings was difficult and had to be made through a section of the exterior wall cladding that had been removed, and through scaffolding installed by the client. This situation made removal of the rubbish and equipment extremely interesting to say the least. All of the ducting in the ceiling had to be cut to size in situ to fit through this “hole in the wall”.
Another complicating issue was that the whole job had to be carried out while the plant was fully operational. This was a major factor in the planning and execution of the work carried out by the Industrial Cleaning Specialists team. It also meant that the obvious wet chemical based option was not viable. Dry-cleaning using brooms and dustpans followed by wiping with damp cloths had to be used after all the straw had been collected and disposed of. Fortunately the ceiling was aluminium poly-panels and this made the work slightly easy than if normal ceiling systems had been in place.
After two weeks working in this enclosed environment Unique’s two man team were more than happy to then start cleaning the exterior courtyards and windows.
The client stipulated that no chemicals be used in the courtyards so the team used hydro-jetting in conjunction with a bio-degradable sanitiser that was approved by the client’s technical team.
The exterior windows and frames were hand washed using a special technique developed by the Unique team utilizing a pH neutral GP detergent.
All of the work was completed on time and within budget, so remember to contact Unique for any outside the square cleaning work.