Sanitas introduce a new range of sanitisers and disinfectants
Something new and exciting has arrived in the NZ food processing market. Sanitas NZ Ltd has launched their bonded QAC range of sanitisers and disinfectants.
Something new and exciting has arrived in the NZ food processing market. Sanitas NZ Ltd has launched their bonded QAC range of sanitisers and disinfectants.
No business day is ever the same therefore no businesses needs are ever the same. What better way to illustrate these concepts than by showing you.
Commercial areas of food preparation and production need to attain levels of cleanliness that exceed normal household definitions of sanitary.
The building was some 15 years’ old and the ceiling had been home to a flock of pigeons and other birds. Their trademarks were very evident with nests, droppings and the odd dead bird.